Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God Bless America..

Yes, I literally meant what I said in the Title. Has anyone observed the market oscillation again?? Again, sounds familiar right? Dow Jones took a deep dive yesterday, some where in the rough numbers of 220 points to great come back today. So what's driving the leader boards here and why did it drop yesterday? Ah! May be the news from China increasing the interest rate to Bank of America (World's largest bank) showing a loss of another 7 Billion US $, what the hell? Hello all, there is a good news today and it started rallying and closed in a positive 129 points up after Fed reported "modest sign of growth".

You read it right.."modest sign of growth" what does this even mean to a Average American who is struggling to get a job and make a living. Then comes living the American Dream. With the Democrats and Republicans both trying to manipulate the minds of Average people to get the votes for November election and the newly born massive Tea Party movement rather let's call Extremist ideas Movement rising to the occasion and taking the country back to Civil War Era..Job reports still say there is no real positive improvement, the unemployment rates continue to stare at 10% + every time with Wall Street Monsters still making the huge bonuses and the inflation remains unchanged for past two months? With the economist concerns of,  "are are we heading towards Deflation"? All the history Lesson Ben Bernanke gave to Japan is returning back striking hard on the face of U.S.

The Country of Rich & Innovative minds has been in deep trouble with no silver lining in the Horizon. And the buzz word of the day "putback", the new word that got introduced in the Finance Vocabulary Yesterday after the market dive..Seriously try finding this word in Investopedia, you will have no results. The new buzz word started by the World's largest bank yesterday after announcing the results. Is Washington going to escalate the fiasco like it did for CDO's to Mortage Back Securities which almost brought the World Economies  to a screeching halt (may be not so much of China, they have their own plan of Manipulating the currency)..Goodness.. God Bless America.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Education Sysem in India

Education in India has been on my mind for a while and it started dominating my mind lately after I watched the movie 'Social Network' and having a conversation about the same with a good Friend. Why can't we produce more Quality Engineers and Innovative Researches like other countries? Yes, what a motivation factor to think about the basic flaws that exists in the Country where I was born. True, all the Multi National Companies are outsourcing to India, but if you pay more close attention the business stays in the respective countries, they need a cheap labor to execute the plans what was innovated in the young & innovative hearts of their country. This started the stream of thoughts where it is fundamentally wrong?

A comprehensive structure is needed to address the basic problems of Education system. Quality in Education has been always a second class citizen, foundation has never been set right. All the parents in India care to make their son/daughter only a Engineer or Doctor, at what ever cost it is, I mean literally, even if it comes with a price tag of killing your own kid's dream of becoming a Astronaut or a Singer or a Sports person. (And then we complain about How India never wins a Gold medal in Olympics? how ironic?  Seriously this is the picture every time during the Olympics in all the households in India) Parent's dream of making his/her kid a Doctor or Engineer is an absolute non-sense now, when most of the Education Institutions goal is to enroll as many students as they can, take donations, make money. Hey, the donations are NOT for making the system better and the infrastructure better, every penny is to make the Board members life better with a Mercedes to an ultra modern house to all the luxuries you find in every part of the world. When most of the fellow population lives on less than 2$. (Believe me, I'm not a Socialist or a Communist, I'm firm believer of Capitalism in all means)  Every Education Institution has a price tag ranging from Rs.10 Lac to 1 Crore. Well, that is the problem with the kids growing in Urban area. So let's focus for a minute in Rural area. 

If you take Rural India where the majority of 1.1 billion (still rising, yes India has only 2.4% of the World's land area, but support over 15% of the population) population resides. What is the Education system we have in place for the future generation? Even though I started writing about the quality issues in Indian Education, I soon drifted off to the basic literacy level that has been affecting India for decades now. Majority of primary schools in the rural area are run or supported by the Government which makes it the largest provider of Education. 13 years after the Constitution was amended to make education a Fundamental Right, still we struggle to bring Children to the School.

The Government has been taking measures & even provide food to encourage the kids to come to school and eventually develop literacy and eradicate poverty for their families. Yet, mid day meal program is the only motivating factor for the Children to come to School, but there is no system to address the basic issue of high ratio of Students to Teachers, there is a huge gap in the system which never serves the purpose. Non-Profit organizations are working hard to bring literature through Technology, bringing in the computer based Education. Lack of power is another huge issue every NGO has to deal with, when they are bringing in technology based education.

So what is my proposed solution to this? Community based Education is the only answer I could come up with. Government can play only a certain role, NGO's can help, but the community has to take the lead in liberating themselves. 

Liberate the Children for better Education, help them out of the child labor (which is a growing problem in India even after all the Government measures) and eradicate the poverty.